Working in the Address Experience in the Geospatial Team as a Full Stack Development Engineering Intern. Developed the Additional Accessibility Requirement feature for the retail website as mandated by EU laws which requires additional delivery instructions for customers with special requirements.
Worked under Dr. Sanjit Kaul at the Networked Autonomous Systems Lab in the Autonomous Last Mile Vehicle (ALIVE) Project. Implemented a Pure Pursuit Controller in CARLA which allows the ego vehicle to accurately follow given trajectories and removed redundant steering by 90%.
The internship focussed on creating an original Interactive Alexa game called 'Swallowed By The Sea'. I was responsible for writing the entire interactive script and creating the required architecture in nodeJS for the Alexa Skill to function as needed. |
The Stanley Controller allows Rovers to autonomously move in smooth curves instead of point to point translation. The Kratos Mars Rover is designed by the students of BITS Goa to compete in various competitions. |
An MPC Controller is written in MATLAB which solves the discretised future steps of the ego vehicle to create the optimal path from start point to end point. Obstacles added as constraints to the equations. |
(Academic Project) S&P 500 rates corporate bonds on a scale from AAA - C where AAA rated bonds rarely default but give low returns and C rated bonds are most likely to defualt while giving the highest returns. Using Markov Chains, I devised an algorithm that tells which rated bonds to invest in and for what period given their interest and default rates. |
The CocaKhosla Channel is where I upload programming related videos. The videos aren't tutorials per se. They're essays that focus on WHY I did what I did and briefly mention HOW I did what I did. Through my YouTube Channel, I want to try make Programming appear fun and accessible. The MOST IMPORTANT thing is to HAVE FUN while you code. Otherwise, it's simply not worth it.
Placed 2nd Overall at the Anatolian Rover Challenge held in Istanbul, Turkey. |
Won the Overall Excellence Award at the International Rover Challenge held in Bangalore, India. |
Received a scholarship to attend ROSCon 2023 in New Orleans. ROSCon is an annual developer conference organised by Open Robotics where latest developments in ROS are discussed. They provide scholarships to those who display exemplary talent in the field of robotics. |
Placed 1st in India and 2nd in Asia at the University Rover Challenge |